The Coronavirus is on everyone's mind this week. This is especially true if you plan on heading to Las Vegas for the annual NAB trade show - just 7 Sundays away.
Industry trade shows have been canceled in San Francisco, Japan, and Italy. Local to Tao HQ, one dot com conference of 3,000 people got canceled in Orlando - taking place
this week.
If you're like me you'll want to
keep an eye on the COVID-19 GIS map for tracking its spread and fatality rate (I'm keeping my eye on countries most likely to mirror the US healthcare response).
So what's the deal with NAB 2020 conference? Will it go forward?In the Craft section I've linked to NAB's official Coronavirus status page. It's informative. It's also the place to see if they're canceling the show. Don't rely on rumor. That page is straight from the horse's mouth.
As of Feb. 29: NAB 2020 is a GO. But the situation is fluid, so keep an ear open in case things change.
From a health standpoint, assuming the Coronavirus stays its current course, I'm fine with this decision. A
fresh report indicates this virus' fatality rate is in line with a normal to severe flu season in Western countries. In recent years I've taken many precautions when traveling by air - especially to avoid surface-borne transmission. I'll keep doing that.
I'll also probably forgo the handshake and substitute the fist bump while in Vegas.
Of course, everyone needs to make their own decisions. As our domestic health professionals finally get an up-close look at this strain, we should be getting much better data in the next few weeks.
Assuming NAB doesn't lose a ton of major vendors unwilling (or unable) to fly internationally, or the Feds don't request they shut down - I'm cautiously optimistic and keeping the planning on-track.
Enjoy this week's Newsletter! I'll see you next Sunday.
Happy Grading!(and remember - if you have a story that's a fit for this Newsletter, hit reply or email it to ''! Include a quick reason for the suggested link.)- Patrick Inhofer
Colorist | Publisher | Coach